How Smartphone Use Damages Your Neck and Wrists

Technology is simply part of everyday life and there’s not much that can be done about it; working at the computer and using a smartphone are necessary in almost every career and in many recreational activities.

That said, computer and smartphone usage has been linked to significant damage to crucial parts of the body, including the neck and wrists. Here are ways this happens and what you can do to stop it.

The Natural Curvature of Your Cervical Spine Changes

Close-Up Photo of a Man Having a Neck Pain

When using a smartphone, your neck bends down, your shoulders come forward, and you begin to hunch over. The longer you use a phone, the more pronounced this becomes.

Eventually, this results in changes to the overall curvature of your cervical spine. You can begin to lose your natural curve, which can compress the cartilage and nerves in between each vertebrae. In severe cases, this can result in bulging or herniated discs, which may require surgical intervention.

Your Muscles Can Spasm

As you remain hunched over, your muscles can become stiff from holding your body in the same awkward position for a significant length of time. This can result in muscle spasms, an extremely painful condition that may require medication to relax the muscles and prevent them from cramping suddenly.

Massage and physical therapy can also be helpful for muscle spasms, however, very tight tissue may take several sessions to loosen up. If you continue to engage in the activity that causes the spasms, you will likely to continue to get spasms, even if you’re taking medication or undergoing therapy.

Blood Flow to Your Fingers Is Reduced

Person Holding a Smartphone

When holding a smartphone for long periods, the blood flow to your hands and the tips of your fingers can be reduced. This is caused when your wrists or fingers are bent at an angle for an extended time, essentially crimping your veins like a garden hose. Less blood reaches your fingers, potentially causing them to turn a white or bluish color and become cold or achy feeling.

You Can Develop Thumb Arthritis

Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 5s Taking Picture of Beach

Arthritis is a painful condition that can result from overusing a joint. In particular, scrolling and texting requires the thumb to complete repetitive motions for extended periods, which can in turn cause arthritis in the small joints of the digit. Arthritis can be treated, but often, patients experience breakthrough pain that remains uncomfortable despite pain medication, exercise, heat, and other efforts to mitigate symptoms.

How to Protect Yourself

Protect yourself from neck, wrist, and hand damage by only using your smartphone when necessary. Take frequent breaks and stretch your neck and fingers regularly. Make sure you spend enough time off of all electronics that your body can get a break from being in the same position for hours on end.

Huntington Orthopedics understands the importance of safer technology use in today’s society. We’re here to help you recover from injury, strain, and other symptoms caused by excessive or improper smartphone usage. Our team will provide you with the comprehensive care and support you need both during and following your recovery.

Contact us today to learn more at (626) 486-9494.