Neck Pain

Do You Think You Know Everything about Arthritis? Think Again!

If you are like many people, you think that arthritis is a disease that causes pain and stiffness in your joints – and you would be right! You might also think that’s all you need to know about arthritis, but you would be incorrect. Arthritis is a sometimes-surprising condition that is a lot more complex Do You Think You Know Everything about Arthritis? Think Again!

How Smartphone Use Damages Your Neck and Wrists

Technology is simply part of everyday life and there’s not much that can be done about it; working at the computer and using a smartphone are necessary in almost every career and in many recreational activities. That said, computer and smartphone usage has been linked to significant damage to crucial parts of the body, including How Smartphone Use Damages Your Neck and Wrists

5 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Driving

There are many activities that can put stress on the spine and lead to back pain. Driving might not be one that you readily think of, but the truth is that driving for a prolonged length of time may lead to back pain. According to one study, 59% of professional truck drivers experience lower back 5 Tips to Prevent Back Pain While Driving

5 Neck Stretches to Beat “Text Neck”

“Text neck” is a term that refers to the posture created by leaning forward over a mobile device for lengthy periods of time. Text neck has been linked to shoulder and neck pain, headaches, stiffness, limited mobility, and difficulty sleeping. Here are 5 neck stretches that will help you relieve text neck. 1. Exaggerated Nod Nod 5 Neck Stretches to Beat “Text Neck”

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