Common Causes of Ankle Pain

Having ankle pain can interfere with your daily activities, since walking and moving around might be difficult to do. Finding out what’s causing this pain is important in order to prevent it from getting worse. Knowing the cause of your ankle pain also helps doctors determine a treatment plan. Ankle pain can occur for many reasons, but the following are some of the more common causes.

Ankle Sprains

Sprains are one of the most common causes of ankle pain. This type of injury occurs when you stretch, partially tear, or fully tear a ligament in your ankle. This can happen if you fall, walk or run on uneven surfaces, or land in an awkward position on your foot when you jump. Risk factors for sprained ankles include playing sports, wearing shoes that don’t fit properly, having an ankle injury in the past, or having poor flexibility.

Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures occur when you injure a bone in your ankle. Fractures can range from small cracks in ankle bones to complete breaks. You can fracture your ankle if you slip and fall or step on your foot wrong when walking. Ankle fractures can also occur if you play sports or if you’re in a car accident. Risk factors for ankle fractures include playing high-impact sports, having tripping hazards in your home, or failing to use proper equipment for athletic activities.


Tendonitis occurs when you develop inflammation in one or more tendons in your ankle. This soft-tissue injury can also lead to tears or ruptures in the affected tendons. Tendonitis typically happens due to overuse, but it can also occur due to sprains or other ankle injuries or from infections in the ankle. Risk factors for ankle tendonitis include playing sports that require repetitive movements, running on a regular basis, and wearing shoes that don’t provide the right support.


Ankle bursitis can occur if one or more sacs of fluid in your ankle, known as bursae, become inflamed. These sacs provide cushioning for your ankle bones when you walk or move around. Bursae can become inflamed when you put too much strain on your ankle, overuse your ankle, do repetitive movements with your ankle, or wear shoes that fit poorly. Risk factors for ankle bursitis include having a previous ankle injury, playing sports, running uphill frequently, or having a condition, such as arthritis or gout.


Arthritis is a condition that can cause pain and stiffness in your ankles and other joints. You can develop arthritis as the cartilage in your ankles wears away with age or from overuse. Injuries can also cause arthritis to develop. Risk factors for arthritis include having a family history of this condition, getting older, having previous ankle injuries, and being a woman. Your risk of developing ankle arthritis can also be higher if you are overweight, since this puts more strain on your ankle joints.

If you need treatment for ankle pain, please contact Huntington Orthopedics for an appointment. We can determine what is causing this pain and provide treatment for effective relief.