How To Prevent Muscle Strain During Workouts

A muscle strain occurs when you pull or injure a muscle, which can happen during workouts. Straining a muscle in your leg, arm, or another part of your body can end up causing mild or more severe pain and prevent you from exercising until you fully heal. For more severe muscle strains, this might involve physical therapy or other forms of treatment. You can lower your risk of experiencing muscle strain during workouts in several ways.

Warm Your Muscles Up

Your muscles are more likely to be injured if they’re not ready for exercise. Spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up your muscles before workouts. Do gentle exercises slowly to prepare your muscles, especially if you plan to do a strenuous workout. When you’re done working out, you should cool down your muscles with 5 to 10 minutes of gentle exercises.

Stretch Your Muscles

Stretching your muscles helps them stay flexible, which might make them less vulnerable to muscle strain. Stretch your muscles after warming them up, but only hold stretches for about 15 to 30 seconds. Holding stretches longer than that might put too much strain on your muscles. You should also avoid bouncing when doing stretches, since this could lead to muscle tears or other injuries.

Pay Attention to Your Body

Your body can let you know if you’re straining your muscles too much and risking an injury. If you feel pain while exercising, you should stop and cool down. While sore muscles are normal after exercising, you shouldn’t have muscle pain during your workouts.

Mix Up Your Workouts

Doing the same kind of exercises day after day can raise your risk of muscle strain and other injuries. Vary your workout routines throughout the week, so that you’re exercising different groups of muscles. For example, you might go walking or jogging one day and lift weights the next day. This gives your muscles time to recover between workouts.

Start New Workouts Slowly

If you’re doing a workout for the first time, avoid choosing a high-impact or strenuous activity. These kinds of exercises can put you at a higher risk of straining your muscles. Choose low-impact exercises that you can ease into, such as swimming or walking. You can gradually work your way up to doing more challenging workouts as your body adjusts.

Use Proper Techniques

When doing exercises you’re not used to, make sure you use the correct technique. Whether you’re doing weightlifting, aerobics, yoga, or another type of exercise, using the right technique can help lower your risk of muscle strain.

If you’re experiencing muscle strain and looking for effective treatment, please contact Huntington Orthopedics. Our orthopedic team can determine how to help you find relief and give you more advice on preventing muscle strain.